Today’s somewhat random thoughts….

Today’s thoughts….

Basically we are all moving too fast in our lives these days.

Working longer hours for less pay and even lesser appreciation for our efforts and sacrifices.

Banks and Government have been screwing us all for years.

It’s time to fight back by slowing down.

Start doing things with your friends and family again.
Plant a vegetable garden, read a book, play a board game or just sit around and talk.
Talk to your loved ones.
Ask your elders about how they lived without the internet and all this technology that was created to make life easier..

I know I have a better appreciation for my Grandparents generation.
They went through World Wars.
They went through Depression Eras.
They grew gardens.
They preserved, pickled and jarred foods.
They had less plastic in their homes.
They recycled for a common good.

It’s time we step back and look at what’s important and not just ‘ What the Joneses are doing ‘.

Does your kid really need ‘ play dates ‘ and ‘ a schedule ‘. Gimme a break. Let your kids just play!

The mandatory two income family created by Baby Boomers has caused more harm to the everyday family – than good.

Hardship is everywhere and it needs to stop.
Slow it down.
If enough of us tell the upper 1% to piss off and not pay our bills, what would happen?

Time to take it back.